Musick Show Stock Musick Show Stock
About Us
Musick Show Stock

This sheep adventure began before I was even born, when my parents in the late 60's purchased show lambs for my sister Pam. Shortly thereafter they purchased a group of crossbred ewes and a ram to start their own flock. After my oldest brother Doug became very interested in the sheep project, they switched over to registered Suffolks, due to that breed being dominant on the show circuit at the time. They incorporated ewes and rams with the bloodlines of Batie, Kjeldgaard, Andrus, Donner Trail, Fischer, Killian, and others. At this time they began marketing their flock as Lazy Creek Suffolks. Once I became involved in the project, I decided I wanted to do my own "thing", which led me to buying a group of 5 Hampshire bred ewe lambs from Roger Nichols in Iowa off of "the old place". Once college rolled around I sold the small flock iIhad accumulated to Phyllis Davison. Through college I continued my great experience in the ag industry through competing on judging teams. Once my son was old enough to hold onto a halter I would purchase a club lamb every year for him to show in open class then into his early 4-H years. Then in 2013 he didn't show a wether, but a ewe lamb,.....guess what happened.....yep, the sheep bug bit again! With that ewe we were off and running and I was back in the sheep business! We had our first decent sized lamb crop in 2015 from which we began marketing our wether-type flock as Musick Show Stock. There are many past and present people that helped, guided, shared their knowledge, and encouraged me.

I would like to thank; most importantly my parents, my brother Doug, Phyllis Davison, Roger Nichols, Sherry Nelson, Dustin and Rebecca Rookstool, Travis Hagen, Fred Knop, Clifford Spaeth, and many others not listed that brought our program and my love and interest in this endeavor to where it is today!

Dason Musick - 18880 Quaker Rd - Harveyville, KS 66431 - (785) 845.7226 -
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